Carl Oman
Configuration II
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Birthday: September 29
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
3257 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235
Scott Pederson
Configuration II
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Birthday: January 5
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
3257 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235
Andrew Smith
Discipleship I
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Birthday: September 4
St. Francis de Sales Seminary 3257 S. Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235
Jesse Larson
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary
Birthday: September 5
St. Mary's University
700 Terrace Heights, Box #785
Winona, MN 55987
Jacob Nollet
Journey Program
Birthday: December 12
Mater Redemptoris House of Formation
3710 East Ave. S
La Crosse, WI 54601
Would you like to become a seminarian for the Diocese of Superior? Reach out to:
Rev. David Neuschwander
Director of Vocations & Seminarians
An Announcement Regarding Andrew Kreye:
We wanted to inform you all that, after much prayer and discernment, Andrew Kreye will not be continuing on in seminary after this semester. We are grateful for the commitment of time Andrew has given to priestly discernment and celebrate that the Lord has made His next steps for Andrew known. Seminary is where a man goes to discern the priesthood; a good seminary should have men coming in and men going out, all aimed at following the Lord's voice, whether to priesthood or down another path. So while it's sad for us who desire more priests to see a man leave seminary formation, we celebrate that Andrew is following the path the Lord has laid out for him. Let's continue to support Andrew Kreye into the future and hold him in prayer as we believe he will do great things for the Lord and our Church!
Thank you for your steadfast support for our seminarians, discerners, and all of our young people open to following God's call in their lives, wherever it leads. Let's continue to pray for and encourage all of them as they seek to follow God's will.
Yours in Christ,
Bishop James Powers
Fr. David Neuschwander, Director of Vocations & Seminarians