Carl Oman
Configuration II
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Hometown and Parish:
St. Joseph, Amery, WI
Birthday: September 29
Mailing Address:
Carl Oman
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
3257 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235
1. Who is one of your favorite saints and why?
Saint Joseph. He is the model of an ideal man. Everything about Saint Joseph ultimately points toward God. He embodies a life worth living that did not seek its own gain, but something greater.
2. What is your favorite Scripture verse and why?
Psalm 118:24 - “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
In some sense, this Scripture verse is true every day. If we could praise the Lord and be grateful no matter what kind of day it was, how much more joyful and content with life would we be?
3. What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?
I enjoy exercise, building stuff, hunting, fishing, talking with people, and solving the world’s problems.
4. What attracts you to the idea of serving the Lord and the Church in Northern Wisconsin?
I get to serve in a place I am happy to call home, to be close to family, and to live in a culture I really enjoy.
5. What advice would you give to a young man discerning his vocation?
Be a man of prayer. Give the Lord silent time in prayer each day, make the Sacraments a priority, and stay in a state of grace. With prayer, it is totally ok to start small! The key is to start and to be consistent. My two favorite places to start with are learning to pray the rosary and praying with the daily Mass readings.
Talk to a priest about it, especially if you’re not sure. If the priesthood is really a call the Lord has for you, it really helps to have priest friends to talk to. Discernment isn’t a journey meant to be walked alone.
6. Who influenced you the most to think about the priesthood?
The first time I realized the priesthood was a real option for me was at Extreme Faith Camp in 8th grade on a walk with Fr. Adam Laski and Fr. Patrick McConnell. More recently, the priest at my college Newman Center was a strong inspiration to consider the priesthood.
7. What summer jobs have you had, and why did you like them?
Great Question. For most of my summers in middle school, high school, and college, I worked in landscaping with my dad. I really liked working with my dad all those summers. I also liked working with a crew to accomplish projects that transformed the look and function of homes
In the summer of 2021, I was a Totus Tuus missionary for the Diocese of Superior. I loved seeing kids take hold of truths of the faith and spending my whole summer with my awesome team meeting awesome people across the diocese.
8. Before entering seminary, what was your dream job?
I wanted to be a mechanical engineer.
9. You’re stranded on a deserted island and can only watch one movie. You press play, and what comes on?
Swiss Family Robinson. It’s not my favorite movie, but I would want some inspiration for building a tree fort on the island.