Scott Pederson
Configuration II
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Hometown and Parish:
St. Francis de Sales, Spooner, WI
Birthday: January 5
Email: spederson@sfs.edu
Mailing Address:
Scott Pederson
St. Francis de Sales Seminary
3257 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235
1. Who is one of your favorite saints and why?
One of my favorite saints is Pope Saint John Paul II. He is at the top of my list because he was able to connect a strong intellect with a down-to-earth humanity. Even as he presented very high levels of theology, he still had a love for outdoor activities.
2. What is your favorite Scripture verse and why?
"Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win." - 1 Corinthians 9:24
I like running, so this verse resonates with me. In modern running everyone gets a prize, yet the goal of many athletes is still the same: to have tried their hardest. If I have given it my best, I feel I have won, even without a prize.
3. What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy participating in sports, especially running. I also spend some time woodworking and reading.
4. What attracts you to the idea of serving the Lord and the Church in Northern Wisconsin?
I am attracted to serving the Lord and Church in Northern Wisconsin for two reasons. First, it is where I call home having grown up in Spooner and having moved to Phillips after college. Second, the area offers many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors; running, biking, snowshoeing, and fishing.
5. What advice would you give to a young man discerning his vocation?
I would suggest not stressing over the decision. God makes clear the call in His time. This may not sit well with us, but if we are peaceful and listening, it will be heard.
6. Who influenced you the most to think about the priesthood?
There are many different people at different times that have influenced my discernment, but Jesus holds the place of having the most influence.
7. What is your favorite place to run in Northern Wisconsin?
I have many places that I really like to run in Northern Wisconsin, and there are probably some I have not found yet. My top five would be Timm's Hill, the Mondeaux Hardwoods, Copper Falls, anywhere from home in Spooner, and the many silent sports trails around Hayward.
8. Before entering seminary, what was your dream job?
My dream job before seminary was to be a product development engineer. I did get to enjoy this career path, but felt called to something more.
9. You’re stranded on a deserted island and can only watch one movie. You press play, and what comes on?
I think I have to pass on this question. I like films but on a deserted island I would prefer a fishing pole.
10. Is there anything else you would like to let people know?
The final thing I would like people to know is my gratitude to the many parishes that have been part of my faith journey. Every member of St. Francis de Sales in Spooner, San Jose Obrero in Copan Ruinas, St. Albert the Great in Houghton, St. Mark in Rothschild, and St. Therese of Lisieux in Phillips have made these parishes what they are, which has helped my growth in faith and vocational discernment.